Corpo, Vida e Biopolítica
Acaba de sair o livro Corpo, Vida e Biopolítica – encontros extensionistas em torno de Michel Foucault, organizado por Alessandra Daflon e Marcio Miotto. Links para download via editora e PhilPapers:
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Acaba de sair o livro Corpo, Vida e Biopolítica – encontros extensionistas em torno de Michel Foucault, organizado por Alessandra Daflon e Marcio Miotto. Links para download via editora e PhilPapers:
O presente trabalho pretende analisar as relações entre loucura e obra no jovem Foucault, isto é, no Foucault dos anos 1950 que realiza seu curso sobre antropologia (La Question Anthropologique) em Lille e na ENS entre 1952 (ou 1951) e 1955. Para estabelecer o problema, o texto começa com uma contextualização inicial sobre os inéditos de Foucault disponibilizados desde 2013 na BNF. Então o texto constrói o problema a partir de comentadores (especiamente Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod) e encontra na figura de Karl Jaspers um interlocutor importante, em torno do qual Foucault gira para estabelecer suas próprias posições. Jaspers, psiquiatra e filósofo, contém teses sobre a loucura, a obra e a civilização diretamente ligadas aos interesses do jovem Foucault. Tanto a leitura de Jaspers sobre Nietzsche, quanto a das relações entre loucura e obra, serão importantes para o jovem Foucault, pois é por meio de Jaspers - dentre outros - que uma psicologia da loucura e da obra (seja qual for seu paradigma) desemboca na análise de figuras como Maurice Blanchot, na leitura singular que Foucault faz de Nietzsche e nos problemas que o levarão a uma história da loucura.
This article aims to analyze the relation between madness and work (oeuvre) in the “young Foucault”, focusing on the Foucault’s lessons of Anthropology taken in Lille and at the ENS between 1952 (or 1951) and 1955, under the title La Question Anthropologique. In order to place this problem, the text begins with an initial contextualization of Foucault’s unpublished works, only made available since 2013 at Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Then the article passes to the question of the madness and work according to some commentators (especially Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod) and finds in the figure of Karl Jaspers an important author, whose reference serves for Foucault to compose his own positions. Jaspers, psychiatrist, and philosopher, contains theses on madness, work and civilization directly linked to the interests of the young Foucault. Both Jaspers’ reading of Nietzsche and considerations about madness and work will be important for the young Foucault, as it is through Jaspers (among others) that the psychological and existential positions on madness and work leads Foucault to the analysis of figures like Maurice Blanchot, to his own reading of Nietzsche and to the problem of a history of madness.
Miotto, Marcio (2022). Michel Foucault e A Questão Antropológica: precisões históricas e conceituais. Lampião 3 (1):125-169.
O presente trabalho pretende estabelecer algumas precisões históricas e conceituas em torno da formação da história arqueológica de Michel Foucault, tendo como foco um livro póstumo e recém lançado, intitulado La Question Anthropologique (2022). Esse livro trata de um curso sobre “antropologia” ministrado por Foucault entre 1952 (ou 1951) e 1955, em Lille e na ENS. As precisões históricas e conceituais tratadas aqui são em torno dos seguintes contextos: primeiramente, analisa-se a escassa literatura de comentário anterior ao lançamento do livro em 2022; depois, parte-se ao horizonte de leituras de Foucault na época, especialmente ocorridos em torno da figura de Nietzsche. Essas leituras ocorrem em diversas frentes, tais como as figuras de Heidegger e Jaspers, a importância da história das ciências, a interlocução com Althusser e Jacques Martin em torno de Marx e a questão da loucura e da psicanálise.
The present work aims to establish some historical and conceptual clarifications surrounding the formation of Michel Foucault’s archaeological history, considering a recently published posthumous book entitled La Question Anthropologique (2022). This book thematizes a course on “anthropology” given by Foucault between 1952 (or 1951) and 1955, in Lille and at the École Normale Supérieure. The historical and conceptual analysis concerns the following subjects: firstly, the text analyzes the scarce secondary literature published before the book’s launch in 2022; secondly, the article focuses some readings made by Foucault in those years, especially surrounding the figure of Nietzsche. These readings occur on several fronts, such as: the influence of Heidegger and Jaspers, the role of the history of sciences, the dialogue with Althusser and Jacques Martin on Marx and the themes of madness and psychoanalysis.
Miotto, M. Sujeito antropológico e metafísica do amor em Binswanger et l’Analyse Existentielle. Revista Ideação, n. 44, vol. I, p. 107-140, 2021. [link Philpapers] [link Ideação]
O presente trabalho enfoca as relações entre antropologia e verdade nos escritos de Foucault dos anos 1950, tendo sob alvo o lançamento recente do escrito até então inédito intitulado Binswanger et l’Analyse Existentielle. Para isso, num primeiro momento o texto contextualiza essa publicação à luz do depósito, em 2013, de novos materiais de Michel Foucault na Biblioteca Nacional da França. Depois, ele passa à análise dos textos dos anos 1950 e insere o novo texto nos demais debates. Finalmente, o artigo enfoca a questão antropológica em três eixos: as relações antropologia x psicopatologia, o lugar da fenomenologia na argumentação de Foucault e os limites das considerações de Binswanger e da Daseinsanalyse.
The present work focuses on the relationship between truth and anthropology in the Foucault’s first writings from the 1950s, targeting the recent release of the (until now) unpublished writing “Binswanger et l’Analyse Existentielle”. To shed some light on such relationship, firstly the article contextualizes the new book under the recent deposit of several foucauldian writings at Bibliothèque Nationale de France, at last since 2013. Secondly, it contextualizes the place of the new book under the published texts from the 1950s. Finally, the article analyses the book considering the anthropological problem under three main issues: the relationship between anthropology and psychopathology, the place of phenomenology in Foucault’s argumentation, and the limits of the Daseinsanalyse and Ludwig Binswanger’s theorisations.
Read more... Miotto, M. L. (2021). Gustav Fechner e a alma do mundo. Revista Helius, 3(2, fasc. 2), 852-906. Recuperado de /
O presente trabalho pretende delinear a noção de Panpsiquismo no projeto filosófico de Gustav Theodor Fechner, especialmente a partir da análise do livro Über die Seelenfrage, de 1861. Para isso, o artigo repõe em linhas gerais a questão das relações entre seu projeto filosófico e a Psicofísica, uma vez que as interpretações clássicas sobre Fechner geralmente enxergam essas duas competências como separadas. Em segundo lugar, o artigo situa questões históricas sobre Fechner e a Psicologia (e sobre filosofia e ciência), bem como a importância da Naturphilosophie em seu projeto. Finalmente, passa-se à análise dos argumentos de Fechner em defesa do Panpsiquismo e analisam-se novamente as relações entre essa visão e a Psicofísica.
De Canguilhem a Foucault, em torno da Psicologia - Marcio Miotto - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 2 (35):112-142 (2019) DOI:
O presente trabalho pretende comparar o debate ocorrido entre Georges Canguilhem e Robert Pagès em Qu’est-ce que la Psychologie?, de 1956, com os escritos de Michel Foucault publicados nos anos 1950. Para isso, após alguns apontamentos históricos, faz-se uma breve análise dos textos de Foucault publicados em 1954, Maladie Mentale et Personnalité e a Introduction à Le Rêve et l’Existence. Os textos de Foucault são então confrontados com o debate entre Canguilhem e Robert Pagès, que por sua vez são analisados e comparados com outros dois textos de Foucault publicados em 1957, La Psychologie de 1850 à 1950 e La Recherche Scientifique et la Psychologie. Tenta-se mostrar que o início da trajetória de Foucault não apenas dialoga com diversos temas sobre a Psicologia e as Ciências Humanas colocados por Canguilhem e Pagès, mas também ensaia respostas cujo teor será mais visível em Folie et Déraison e na Introduction à l’Anthropologie de Kant.Read more...
Les deux articles sont écrits par Vittorio Perego:
Il problema dell’origine in Foucault:
In the 1960s Foucault designed a work entitled The Thought of Origin. This article aims to show how the book was written in various publications. In fact, the theme of origin is present in Foucault since the first research and continues throughout the 1960s, always faced by relating Husserl and Nietzsche. This path, characterized by ruptures and second thoughts, presents a progressive distancing from the phenomenological matrix present in the Introduction to Traum und Existenz and in the History of Madness, in which Foucault is under the influence of Merleau-Ponty. Coming to share Derrida’s thesis of the impossibility of right to access the origin, but going beyond the textualism of deconstruction, Foucault shows how every discourse on the origin, not only is an anthropological dispositif, but also a typical configuration of the politics of truth, whose power games must be unmasked.
One of the most recurring themes of the last phase of Michel Foucault’s Denkweg is the resumption of Kantian criticism. The aim of this essay is to reconstruct the genesis of this link between archeology analysis and critical thinking. Although Husserl’s phenomenology was thought of as the overcoming of the Kantism, Foucault endorsed some of the interpretations present in the French philosophical debate to recover the critical instance. In the Introduction to Anthropology from the pragmatic point of view of 1961 Foucault highlights the birth of homo criticus. The Kantian criticism is not accomplished in the identification of a Wesen of the human, but is configured as an attitude of resistance in the face of all knowledge that reduces man to a datum of fact. It is from this perspective that Foucault’s genealogical thinking revaluates the Aufklärung, understood as the ontology of actuality and the diagnosis of the present.Read more...
“It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful, but it is more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look, which morally we can do. To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts. Every man is tasked to make his life, even in its details, worthy of the contemplation of his most elevated and critical hour.”—Henry David Thoreau Read more...
This work provides a fresh interpretation of Henry Thoreau's political theory through a comprehensive interpretation of public and private writings. While recent critics have opened new vistas in Thoreau interpretation, little attention has been paid to Thoreau's journals and correspondence.
"Let us settle ourselves, and work and wedge our feet downward," Thoreau invites his readers in Walden, "till we come to a hard bottom and rocks in place, which we can call reality." Walden's Shore explores Thoreau's understanding of that hard reality, not as metaphor but as physical science. Robert M. Thorson is interested in Thoreau the rock and mineral collector, interpreter of landscapes, and field scientist whose compass and measuring stick were as important to him as his plant press. At Walden's climax, Thoreau asks us to imagine a "living earth" upon which all animal and plant life is parasitic. This book examines Thoreau's understanding of the geodynamics of that living earth, and how his understanding informed the writing of Walden.
The story unfolds against the ferment of natural science in the nineteenth century, as Natural Theology gave way to modern secular science. That era saw one of the great blunders in the history of American science--the rejection of glacial theory. Thorson demonstrates just how close Thoreau came to discovering a "theory of everything" that could have explained most of the landscape he saw from the doorway of his cabin at Walden. At pivotal moments in his career, Thoreau encountered the work of the geologist Charles Lyell and that of his protégé Charles Darwin. Thorson concludes that the inevitable path of Thoreau's thought was descendental, not transcendental, as he worked his way downward through the complexity of life to its inorganic origin, the living rock.
Since its publication in 1849, Henry David Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience has influenced protestors, activists and political thinkers all over the world. Including the full text of Thoreau’s essay, The Routledge Guidebook to Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience explores the context of his writing, analyses different interpretations of the text and considers how posthumous edits to Civil Disobedience have altered its intended meaning. It introduces the reader to:
• the context of Thoreau’s work and the background to his writing
• the significance of the references and allusions
• the contemporary reception of Thoreau’s essay
• the ongoing relevance of the work and a discussion of different perspectives on the work.
Providing a detailed analysis which closely examines Thoreau’s original work, this is an essential introduction for students of politics, philosophy and history, and all those seeking a full appreciation of this classic work.
McSweeney discusses the sensory acuity that informs the finest achievements of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Thoreau, Whitman and Dickinson and which, when blunted by illness or age, contributes to an attenuation of their creative power. He supplies a ‘sensory profile’ or sensory history for each author and through close readings shows how this profile affected their relationship to the external world and their powers of symbolic perception.
Walls traces the full arc of Thoreau’s life, from his early days in the intellectual hothouse of Concord, when the American experiment still felt fresh and precarious, and “America was a family affair, earned by one generation and about to pass to the next.” By the time he died in 1862, at only forty-four years of age, Thoreau had witnessed the transformation of his world from a community of farmers and artisans into a bustling, interconnected commercial nation.
This book studies nineteenth-century American individualism and its relationship to the simultaneous rise of the market economy as articulated in the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and William Graham Sumner. The argument of the book is that these thinkers offer distinct visions of individualism that reflect their respective understandings of the market, and provide thoughtful and insightful perspectives upon the promise and peril of this economic and social order. Looking back to Emerson, Thoreau, and Sumner furnishes valuable insights about the history of American political and social thought, as well as about the complexity of one of the most basic and prevalent relationships of modern life: that between the individual and the institutional complex of the market.
A fenomenologia de Merleau-Ponty segue, a seu modo, o pensamento encontrado em Husserl na sua obra inacabada “Krisis”. Ele critica a teoria transcendental e o método da redução, propostos por Husserl, por julgar que deve ater-se à filosofia da existência e da subjetividade, em sua condição de ser situado no mundo da vida. O mais importante para o sujeito consiste na busca de sentido para a sua vida e isto, conduzido a seu termo, esclarece-nos sobre o que é a natureza, a história, o mundo e o ser. A analítica existencial de Merleau-Ponty, sobre a experiência do outro e da subjetividade, faz-se a partir do seu ser-no-mundo, isto é, no contexto histórico, social e psicológico.CAPALBO, Creusa. A subjetividade e a experiência do outro: Maurice Merleau-Ponty e Edmund Husserl. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2007, vol.13, n.1 [citado 2019-11-19], pp. 25-50 . Disponível em:
Cet article entend faire se confronter deux fameux motifs de la tradition phénoménologique inaugurés par Husserl et développés par Merleau-Ponty : (1) le motif du « je peux » comme mode distinctif du corps propre (Leib) ; (2) et le motif de l’intercorporéité comme mode originaire de l’intersubjectivité. L’intercorporéité implique-t-elle le « je peux » comme unique mode de la corporéité ? « Tout ce que je vois par principe est à ma portée, écrit Merleau-Ponty, du moins à la portée de mon regard, relevé sur la carte du “je peux” »1. Mais qu’en est-il donc du corps d’autrui ?Paula Lorelle, « L’intercorporéité au-delà du « je peux » : Husserl, Merleau-Ponty et Levinas », Alter [En ligne], 23 | 2015, mis en ligne le 01 décembre 2017, consulté le 27 octobre 2019. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/alter.392 Read more...
"Le poète ne retient pas ce qu’il découvre ; l’ayant transcrit, le perd bientôt. En cela réside sa nouveauté, son infini et son péril"
René Char, La Bibliothèque est en feu (1956)
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