L'héritage intellectuel de Mai 68

Entre 1960 et 1982, ce sont 94 numéros pour une histoire et une légende dans le paysage intellectuel de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Une revue qui a même obtenu sa notice dans Le Petit Larousse, précisant que son principe était "d'unir systématiquement la pratique littéraire à la réflexion théorique". Un nom, Tel Quel, qui fait penser à Paul Valéry. Mais c'est plutôt du côté de Nietzsche que, déjà, les fondateurs se tournaient, mettant en exergue du premier numéro son "je veux le monde et je le veux tel quel".


Merleau-Ponty: Ebooks


Martin Heidegger, Zollikon Seminars

pdf file

This volume allows English-speaking readers to take part in an encounter between the German philosopher, Martin Heidegger and the Swiss psychiatrist Medard Boss.

A product of their long friendship, this book chronicles their exchange of ideas. Heidegger sought to transcend the bounds of philosophy while Boss and his colleagues in the scientific community sought an enduring intellectual foundation for better understanding their patients and their world.

The work affords a unique opportunity to see how Hiedegger clarified and elaborated his central themes for an audience beyond the confines of philosophy - and to see how this audience inspired him to pursue new ideas and new directions.

During World War II, Boss came upon Heidegger's "Being and Time". Intrigued by both author and book, yet conscious of the damning characterization of Heidegger as a Nazi sympathizer, Boss the physician nonetheless approached Heidegger the philosopher asking for help in reflective on the nature of Heidegger's thought. A correspondence ensued, followed by visits that soon became annual two-week meetings in Boss's home in Zollikon, Switzerland.

The protocols from these seminars, recorded by Boss and reviewed, corrected and supplemented by Heidegger himself, make up one part of this volume. They are augmented by Boss's record of the conversations he had with heidegger in the days between seminars and by excerpts from more than 250 letters that Heidegger wrote to Boss between 1947 and 1971.

In this book Heidegger attempts to make the fundamental ideas of his philosophy accessible to nonphilosophers. He addresses certain philosophical/psychological theories for the first and only time, including Freudian psychoanalysis and Indian philosophy.


The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger

[link] Martin Heidegger is now widely recognized alongside Wittgenstein as one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century. He redefined the central task of philosophy as the investigation of the nature of being, and has exerted a profound impact on literary theory, theology, psychotherapy, political theory, aesthetics, environmental studies, as well as mainstream philosophy. His thought has contributed to the recent turn to hermeneutics in philosophy and the social sciences, and to current post-modern and post-structuralist developments. The disclosing of his deep involvement in the ideology of Nazism has provoked much debate about the relation of philosophy to politics. This volume contains both overviews of Heidegger's life and works and analysis of his most important work, Being and Time. In addition there are discussions of Heidegger's thought in relation to mysticism, traditional theology, ecology, psychotherapy, and the philosophy of language. The volume also contains the first in-depth study of what has been called Heidegger's second greatest work, the Beitrage zur Philosophie.


Etienne Bimbenet: Nature et Humanité

Etienne Bimbenet vous présente son ouvrage Nature et Humanité : le problème anthropologique dans l'oeuvre de Merleau-Ponty


Hubert Dreyfus: A Companion to Heidegger

[link] A Companion to Heidegger is a complete guide to the work and thought of Martin Heidegger, one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century.

The Companion opens by focusing on the most important elements of Heidegger's intellectual biography, including his notorious involvement with National Socialism. The book then goes on to provide a systematic and comprehensive exploration of Heidegger's work. The contributions proceed chronologically, starting with discussions of his magnum opus Being and Time, moving on to the period of his ‘Kehre’ or ‘turn’, and concluding with his neglected later work. A final section contains key critical responses to Heidegger's philosophy, including consideration of his relation to pragmatism, religion, and ecology. Contributors include many of the leading interpreters of, and commentators on, the work of Heidegger.


Virgínia Moreira, Ana Vládia Holanda Cruz: O caso Ellen West de Binswanger: fenomenologia clínica de uma existência inautêntica.

Moreira, Virgínia; Cruz, Ana Vládia Holanda. O caso Ellen West de Binswanger: fenomenologia clínica de uma existência inautêntica [pdf]. Rev. mal-estar subj;5(2):^f382^l396, 2005.

Este artigo tem como objetivo a discussão de um caso clínico clássico da Fenomenologia - o de Ellen West - aqui descrito e analisado segundo os pressupostos básicos da teoria de Ludwig Binswanger aplicada à psicopatologia. Analisam-se os conceitos de Umwelt, Mitwelt e Eigenwelt, bem como de corporeidade e temporalidade e enquanto constitutivos de uma existência inautêntica. Finalmente, busca-se comprender tais conceitos no contexto do estudo de caso de Ellen West


Manoel Tosta Berlinck; Ana Cecília Magtaz: Reflexões sobre O caso de Ellen West. Estudo antropológico-clínico, de Binswanger

BERLINCK, Manoel Tosta and MAGTAZ, Ana Cecília. Reflexões sobre O caso de Ellen West: estudo antropológico-clínico, de Binswanger. Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam. [online]. 2008, vol.11, n.2 [cited 2010-07-06], pp. 232-238 . Available from: . ISSN 1415-4714. doi: 10.1590/S1415-47142008000200005.


O relato do caso de Ellen West ilustra de forma magistral que a questão da anorexia não está somente ligada a um problema alimentar. Revela tratar-se de um conflito entre o ego e o superego e, portanto, representa uma neurose narcísica. A severidade do superego baseia-se nas regras de cumprimento dos ideais. Quanto mais esses forem elevados, menos poderão ser satisfeitos. Geralmente, para ser objeto de investimento amoroso do superego o ego tem que se mostrar como o que não é: o ideal.

Palavras-chave: Anorexia, melancolia, neurose narcísica


El relato del caso Ellen West ilustra de forma magistral que la cuestión de la anorexia no está sólo ligada a un problema de alimentación. Revela tratarse de un conflicto entre el yo y el ideal del yo y por consiguiente, representa una neurosis narcisista. La severidad de superyo se asienta en reglas de cumplimiento de ideales. Cuando más estos sean elevados menos podrán ser satisfechos. Generalmente para ser objeto de investidura amorosa del superyo el yo tiene que mostrarse como lo que no es: el ideal.

Palavras clave: Anorexia, melancolía, manía, neurosis narcisista


Le rapport du cas Ellen West illustre de façon magistrale que le problème de l'anorexie n'est pas uniquement lié à un problème d'alimentation. Il révèle qu'il s'agit d'un conflit entre le Moi et le Surmoi et que, par conséquent, il représente une névrose narcissique. La sévérité du Surmoi est basée sur les règles d'accomplissement desidéaux. Plus ceux-ci sont élevés, moins ils peuvent être atteints. En général, pour être l'objet d'investissement amoureux du Surmoi, le Moi est forcé de se montrer comme quelque chose qu'il n'est pas: l'idéal.

Mots clés: Anorexie, mélancolie, névrose narcissique


The "Case of Ellen West" is an excellent illustration of why anorexia is not merely a food problem. It reveals a conflict between the ego and the superego, therefore representing a narcissistic neurosis. The severity of the superego is based on the rules for fulfilling ideals. The higher the ideals, the less they can be satisfied. For the ego to be the object of loving investment by the superego, the ego must try to be seen as what it is not, namely, the ideal.

Key words: Anorexia, melancholia, narcissistic neurosis


Catherine Mathon: Duchenne de Boulogne

Marta Braun, « Catherine MATHON (dir.), Duchenne de Boulogne (cat. exp.), Paris, École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, 226 p., 127 ill. NB, bibl., chronol., 250 F. », Études photographiques, 6 | Mai 1999, [En ligne], mis en ligne le 18 novembre 2002. URL : http://etudesphotographiques.revues.org/index201.html. Consulté le 01 juillet 2010.
Embrassant médecine et neurologie, typologie physionomique et éducation des artistes, l'oeuvre iconographique de Guillaume Duchenne de Boulogne (1806-1875) s'effectue à la rencontre de trois des plus importantes conquêtes du XIXe siècle: l'électricité, la physiologie et la photographie. Le catalogue de l'exposition proposée par l'École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (ENSBA) détaille l'ensemble de ces aspects, et les rend pour la première fois intelligibles. [lire le texte]


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Lorem Ipsum

"All testing, all confirmation and disconfirmation of a hypothesis takes place already within a system. And this system is not a more or less arbitrary and doubtful point of departure for all our arguments; no it belongs to the essence of what we call an argument. The system is not so much the point of departure, as the element in which our arguments have their life."
- Wittgenstein

Lorem Ipsum

"Le poète ne retient pas ce qu’il découvre ; l’ayant transcrit, le perd bientôt. En cela réside sa nouveauté, son infini et son péril"

René Char, La Bibliothèque est en feu (1956)

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