John Marenbon - Early Medieval Philosophy (480-1150): An Introduction

John Marenbon “Early Medieval Philosophy (480-1150): An Introduction"
Routledge | 1988-07-11 | ISBN: 041500070X | 216 pages | PDF | 1,1 Mb


Preface to the second edition vii
Preface xiii
Note on references xv
Part One The antique heritage 1
1 Platonism in the ancient world 3
Plato 4
From Platonism to Neoplatonism 6
Plotinus, Porphyry and Latin Neoplatonism 8
2 Neoplatonism and the Church Fathers 13
Augustine’s treatment of pagan philosophy 14
The Greek Christian Platonists 17
Iamblichus, Proclus and the pseudo-Dionysius 18
3 The antique logical tradition 20
Aristotle 20
Logic in late antiquity 23
4 Boethius 27
The treatises on the arts 28
The logical works 28
The ‘Opuscula sacra’ 35
The ‘Consolation of Philosophy’ 39
Part Two The beginnings of medieval philosophy 43
5 The earliest medieval philosophers 45
From Cassiodorus to Alcuin 45
The circle of Alcuin 48
6 Philosophy in the age of John Scottus Eriugena 53
Ratramnus of Corbie and Macarius the Irishman 53
John Scottus and the controversy on
predestination 55
John Scottus and the Greeks 58
The Periphyseon 60
7 The aftermath of Eriugena: philosophy at the
end of the ninth and the beginning of the
tenth century 71
The influence of Eriugena 71
The traditions of glosses to school texts 73
Remigius of Auxerre 78
8 Logic and scholarship in the tenth and earlier
eleventh century 80
Tenth-century logic 80
Antique philosophy and the Christian scholar 84
9 Logic and theology in the age of Anselm 90
Dialectic and its place in theology 90
Anselm 94
Anselm’s pupils and influence 104
Logic and grammar at the end of the eleventh
century 105
Part Three 1100–50 111
10 Masters and schools 113
11 The antique philosophical tradition:
scholarship, science and poetry 119
William of Conches 119
Minor cosmological works 124
Bernard Silvestris 125
12 Grammar and logic 128
Grammar 128
Logic 130
Abelard’s philosophy of logic 135
13 Theology 143
The varieties of theology 143
The ‘Opuscula sacra’ 145
Gilbert of Poitiers 148
14 Abelard and the beginnings of medieval ethics 157
Abbreviations 164
Bibliography 165
Primary works 165
Secondary works 174
Additional bibliography and notes 185
Index 192

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René Char, La Bibliothèque est en feu (1956)

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